1,000 Thanks (part 8)

Almost finished up with my list of 1,000 tiny things that I’m so thankful for.  Summertime is my favorite.  There are so many tiny blessings, starting with sunshine, that fill the days.  I’m thankful for seasons of rest and joy that prepare us for the fall and routines.  Enjoy these last weeks of summer my friends!


801. Happy awake kids at 3:45 am

802. Road tripping

803. Date night with sister and her hubs

804. Checking out Nashville

805. Culver’s ice cream

806. Puppies & kittens

807. Niece and nephew hugs

808. Walking bridge

809. Water park

810. Full tummies

811. Cello playing hubs

812. Summer runs

813. Cookout on the 4th

814. Freezer meal prep with friends

815. Poppers

816. Evening walks as a family

817. Feeling organized, even just a little bit

818. Pool day 😎

819. Matching tattoos

820. Girls weekend!!!!!!!!!!!

821. CanCan brunch

822. Random 80* summer days

823. Tattoo friends

824. Being spontaneous!

825. Friends who appreciate you

826. New babies!

827. A husband to love with all my ❤️

828. New outdoor swing

829. Environments Team

830. Swim lessons

831. SUPPER CLUB with the BEAUMONT’s

832. Early Bedtime

833. Good conversations

834. Morning Hubby hugs

835. Worship Music

836. Lunch with Mom and Sister-n-law

837. Eva’s sweet chubby smile

838. My girls little run

839. In-laws babysitting

840. Marriage counseling

841. In-laws bringing dinner 😁

842. Swimming boys

843. Extended nursing, when my girl is sick

844. Impromptu date night

845. Community

846. Porch swing

847. Inspired by a book

848. Puddle jumping

849. A chance to run outside

850. Meeting Emmi

851. Clean house

852. God loves me first

853. Time outside together

854. VBS

855. Boys singing and dancing to VBS songs

856. Boys making new friends

857. A church that has an amazing VBS

858. Dinner with Mary, Trinh and Jessica

859. Ruthie and me mornings

860. Pool days

861. Morning gym time

862. Sunshine

863. Craft time!

864. Kicking off a new school year

865. Friends kids making it through scary moments

866. New countertops!!!

867. New cabinets!!!

868. Hubby working hard on our kitchen

869. Parents working hard on our kitchen

870. Friends expecting surprise boy

871. Donuts after church, I love the togetherness

872. His mercies are new every morning

873. Six year old drawings

874. Four year old middle on trying to set up playdates with new friends

875. three littles covered in dirt

876. afternoon neighborhood playtime

877. FROGS, everywhere.

878. Baking after kitchen renovations

879. Lucas and Ruthie snuggling together

880. Wild girl racing around the house with her little friends

881. SMORES & neighbors

882. An undermount sink

883. Matching baby girls at the pool

884. Big boy pictures in his handwriting journal

885. the chance to be with a friend when they walk through hard stuff

886. Maymont with buddies (also watching our kids grow up together, it’s the best)

887. Morning hugs

888. starting first grade with my boy

889. Nature Journal 6 year old drawings, the best!

890. BACKSPLASH… amazing!

891. fresh hair

892. boy in his bed, all night long

893. girl slept all night too!

894. yoga in the AM

895. Wild Kratts

896. kiddos playing in the rain

897. small group leaders training night, Jesus is big

898. good and beautiful curriculum, making our school year a little easier

899. forgiveness from my husband

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